Monday, April 16, 2007

WORLD PREMIERE of "Boycott Monster Cable!" the MOVIE

Yes, it's finally here.
And if you've been at our actions--you may be in the movie!

Click here to see the 5-min video on YouTube NOW

(url is)

Thanks to our volunteer Kennedy Helm for his many hours spent producing this movie for the workers. Feel free to post, link, and email out the link!

Friday, April 13, 2007

A Black Friday for Head Monster

On Friday the 13th, laid-off workers and community leaders declared a “Black Friday for the Head Monster”. They denounced Monster Cable CEO’s latest moves to further prolong this “nightmare” conflict with workers. Joining them were San Francisco Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, local musician Jack Chernos, Pilar Schiavo from the San Francisco Central Labor Council, Chinatown Community Development Center, and UFCW Rise Up!, and. Workers also premiered the “Boycott Monster Cable!” video which will be released to the general public over the weekend (check this blog again on Monday!)

This week, Monster Cable CEO Noel Lee canceled a meeting with worker representatives and State Senator Leland Yee which had been scheduled for Tues, April 10, at 8:30 pm. Workers and community leaders alike blasted the CEO for this “ultimate act of disrespect to the workers who gave their lives to your company,” (Pilar Schiavo, SFCLC).

“This is the second time he agreed to meet with workers and then backed out (last time was with Supervisor McGoldrick). He has proven that he is not trustworthy—not to workers, not to the community, and not even with elected officials. It is wrong for him to say we are hurting current workers, when he has long planned to outsource jobs to Mexico anyways. If the CEO wants to improve his reputation—he must meet with workers and resolve our demands.”
Huilian Li, Monster Cable
worker, 8 years.

“What we are asking for is fairness! It would take so little for the CEO to resolve our demands, some $500,000. We don’t understand why he won’t sit down at the table and meet with us.”
Lai Ping, Monster Cable worker, 19 years

“Spring is a time of rebirth and for a fresh start. It’s time to reconnect with your workers and hear them out. There is no need to be afraid. We welcome you back to meet with the employees who worked so hard for you.”
Supervisor Jake McGoldrick

“The workers only know victory. We will continue to fight for justice. We call on the CEO to honor his agreement to meet with us and advise him not to throw away his reputation in the Chinese community! Unfortunately the CEO forces us to escalate our actions. We will be contacting his clients, his family and his friends and plan a major boycott action on Sat. May 5th.”

Li Shen, Monster Cable worker, 9 years

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Head Monster Tells Laid-off Workers to Go Find a Job

Over this past weekend, most of the 128 laid-off workers received a letter signed by "Head Monster" Noel Lee.

The letter:
  • told them they should spend time finding jobs instead of fighting for a fair severance
  • claimed that their protests hurt the remaining workers at the factory
  • offered to meet personally with individual workers (while cancelling the 4/10 meeting with worker representatives and State Senator Leland Yee, which had not been publicized as per company request).
The CEO also reassured laid-off workers that he knows "that you are all good people" and that he did not blame them for anything, because it is CPA which had "persuaded" them to participate in protest actions.
Insulted and angrier than ever, the workers responded in writing. See below for the workers response and the Head Monster's letter.

The CEO's letter to workers:

Workers Response To the CEO (English translation and original below)

Friday, April 6, 2007

MONSTERpalooza & "Drive it Home to Monster!"

It’s time to DRIVE IT HOME to Monster that the company must treat workers fairly!!

No more excuses to workers, community and elected officials. We demand a FAIR SEVERANCE NOW!

WHO: laid-off workers, musicians, allies and YOU

WHEN: 11:30 am, Sat. April 14, 2007 (please note time change)

WHAT: MONSTERpalooza Outdoor protest concert in downtown Burlingame, followed by a car/truck caravan protest to the CEO’s mansion.

WHERE: Meet at the Chevron station on Burlingame Ave. and El Camino Real, downtown Burlingame.

To carpool from Balboa Park BART station (meeting at 10:30 am), please contact by Thurs. 4/12.

Featuring Musical Guests:

  • Julia Lau and bandmembers;
  • S.O.M.O.S. ONE and the Brown Buffalo Project;
  • and more! (check back for updates...)

Please contact if you are a musician and can join us!

RSVP: Picnic Lunch for those who RSVP to

Monday, April 2, 2007

"Monster, We Won't Be Fooled!" April Fool's Day Protest

On Sunday, April 1, 2007, over 50 laid-off workers and community supporters marched in downtown Burlingame and declared, “Monster Cable, We Won’t be Fooled!”. Laid-off workers were joined by a number of community allies including 16 youth from AIWA (Asian Immigrant Womens Advocates). For nearly two hours, they marched and leafleted hundreds of curious shoppers and restaurant-goers on Burlingame Avenue, an upscale shopping area near the CEO’s home. The protest culminated in a boycott picket in front of the Apple Store, at 1301 Burlingame Ave.

“In response to overwhelming community support for the workers and pressure on Monster Cable, Monster Cable has tried to cover up by claiming to be a responsible employer and saying that they have done enough for workers,“ says Feiyi Chen, community organizer with the campaign. ”On April Fool’s Day, we’re reminding the company that the workers and community won’t be fooled. We know that the company can pay a fair severance and we hope they do the right thing before workers are forced to escalate this campaign further.”

For the first time, workers were forbidden from entering the store. Two worker leaders and a translator were turned away repeatedly at the door by store security and finally the store manager, who told them, "I am not at liberty to speak with you" and referred the workers to Apple's media line. This new tough attitude signals that Apple is getting tired of these protests and has stepped up their response in hopes of deterring future pickets. However, workers have no intention of letting up the pressure, and in fact plan to escalate their actions if their demands are not met. As a reminder, protesters chanted "We'll be back!" as they left the storefront.

With the continued public pressure and involvement of numerous elected officials, including US Congressman Tom Lantos and State Assemblymember Gene Mullin, workers believe that Monster Cable CEO Noel Lee would indeed look like a fool if he continued to reject their demands for a fair severance.